Description of Island II

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Here is the complete description of Island II as given by Columbus:

"I found that the face which was in the direction of San Salvador ran north-south, and in it there were five leagues; and the other, which I followed, ran east-west and in it there were more than ten leagues. And since from this Island I saw another larger one to the west, I spread sail to go forward all day until night, for otherwise I would not have been able to reach the western cape."

The important thing about this passage is that it is entirely unclear whether Columbus was adjacent to one island this day or two. As you read the passage, consider the western cape which Columbus reached at the end of the day: is it part of the island with the five- and ten-league coastlines, or is it part of the other, larger island to the west? Both positions have been advocated by various theories. (I have speculated on behalf of the Plana theory that both interpretations might be correct in different contexts.) Those who interpret this passage to mean two islands refer to them as Island IIa and Island IIb. For those who interpret the passage to mean one island, the larger island to the west is Island III.

Columbus anchored at or near this western cape that night, and went ashore the next morning, October 16. He found that the natives were similar to those on Island I, and did not stay long. However, one of the natives kidnapped from Island I escaped at this point, and at least one of the Island II natives was captured by the Pinta and taken to Island III as a replacement.


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